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... of the Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle

BBCET Schoolgirl Stars in ‘fabulous’ Book

Updated: Jan 23

A nine-year-old schoolgirl from a BBCET school has become the star of a new book which celebrates difference and diversity – and how we’re all the same.

April Thompson, who is in Year 5 at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, was chosen along with a selection of other children to appear in Find Your Fabulous by Vie Portland.

“The book is all about how we live in a diverse world but that we have in common that we all want to be loved,” explained Ciara Yeoman, Head of School at St Joseph’s in North Shields.

“The book is all about children with different levels of need, so one little boy might be in a wheelchair, while another little girl might have a purple mark on her skin. The message is that we may be different, but we all want to feel loved.”

“April has fibrous dysplasia, which means that one side of her face is different to the other, so she lives with a very physically forward disability,” Mrs Yeoman continued.

“It’s very difficult for April, but she has owned her difference – for example, half of her hair is black and half is blonde.

“She deals with people staring and pointing at her all the time, and this book is about celebrating differences, while recognising that we’re all the same.”

A confidence and self-esteem coach, author Vie Portland was herself born with a disability, and is the founder of Community Interest Company VieNess Discover You Love You.

The book features real children who are all different in their own individual ways, and is illustrated by Lottie Thomson.

April was selected to be included after appearing on the website for the charity Changing Faces, which represents and supports those living with a visible difference or disfigurement.

“The author saw she was on there and got in touch with me about the story book to see if April would like to be involved,” explained her mother, Victoria McAllister, who is a Teaching Assistant at St Joseph’s.

“A year ago, April took part in a Zoom meeting with the author and all the other children, where the author asked them different questions.

“It’s about showing differences and spreading awareness. April absolutely loves being part of the book. She’s got lots of confidence.”

With copies of Find Your Fabulous on show in every classroom at St Joseph’s, and a display in the entrance hall, the school is taking the opportunity to promote the book’s message.

“I feel good to be part of the book, because looking different doesn’t matter – you are still fabulous,” said April.

“It’s very relevant, and everyone has been touched by this,” added Mrs Yeoman. “As educators, our job at school is to educate children so that if someone has a mark on their face or looks different in some way, they realise they’re just the same as everyone else.

“April is a fantastic advocate for living in a different skin and celebrating it. It’s a very lovely thing to celebrate.”

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